You enter a dark room. You’re curious and walk around cautiously. You see some spotlights in different colors. The rest of the room is dark, so you walk towards the light. You step into a blue spotlight and suddenly you hear an instrument playing softly. Not sure what to do you walk around slowly and you notice that the blue spotlight is fixed on you. Wherever you go the spotlight goes. And you see that you’re leaving a trail on the floor with your instrument’s color. Experimenting what it does you move faster and hear the instrument play with more variety and it gets louder. Suddenly you realize what’s happening. You are the instrument.
Another person enters the room and experiences the same you just did a few minutes ago. But she goes to the yellow spotlight and a guitar starts to play. You watch her move around as she discovers the powers of her movement. You get her attention and the two of you decide to move in a similar way. The instruments are working together in harmony, just as the two persons are in their movement. The trails which are left on the ground entwine and the whole room becomes an area of dynamics, harmony and collaboration.
When you decide to walk near the walls you see all kinds of colorful patterns appear on the wall and because you’re together your colors blend and you are creating a room that belongs to you two.
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