Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Final concept before feedback

Concept Goal:
“Affecting people with a poem in an interactive audiovisual environment using calligraphy.”

Walking calligraphy. Calligraphy gets written digitally on the wall. You have 6 walls. Every wall has a different interaction method to discover the meaning of the line. The line continues when you accomplished the assignment en you enter the next room.

The six different interactions:
•Wall number 1
oMusic improvisation (Tef)

•Wall number 2
oTracing calligraphy (not seeing it but grabbing a “pen” that’s sticking out of the wall. It will only go one way so you “feel” the feeling one has during the writing.

•Wall number 3
oStanding still (discipline and patience)

•Wall number 4
oTouching papier-mâché

•Wall number 5
oCandle room (light the candles to see the calligraphy)

•Wall number 6
oStorytelling, Spiderstory

-Getting core values of calligraphy and base interactions upon those. That will make the entire interaction more sophisticated instead of “just” a game.
-Challenge people to develop

-more people in the room is more visible lines
1 person = 1 line, 2 persons = 2 line, etc.

/Group J

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